4 Plumbing Mistakes to Avoid When Renovating Your Bathroom

bathroom renovations Northern Beaches

4 Plumbing Mistakes to Avoid When Renovating Your Bathroom Photo by Christian Mackie Renovating your bathroom can be an extremely exciting prospect, but it’s also important to take safety precautions when you begin this process. The last thing you want to do is spend the time and money to finish your project only to discover […]

Why You Should Renovate Your Bathrooms? Know these 5 Reasons

Why You Should Renovate Your Bathrooms - Oxford Bathrooms

Why You Should Renovate Your Bathrooms? Know these 5 Reasons To update or not to update? That’s the question you have to ask yourself when it comes to renovating your bathroom. There are many benefits to doing so, which will certainly provide you the motivation you need to get started on this home improvement project. […]

5 Reasons Why Ventilation is Crucial for Bathrooms

Bathroom Ventilation - Oxford Bathrooms

Did you know that your bathroom should have proper ventilation? If not, this article will explain the value of having the same. Proper ventilation not just reduces unpleasant odours, but also helps minimise the amount of moisture that can be trapped in the room. Here’s why it’s worth investing in ventilation solutions during bathroom renovations […]